The Local Plan Part Two Consultation will go live on Thursday 9March and will run until 5pm on Thursday 4 May 2017.
In line with our Statement of Community Involvement, we are keen to ensure that members of the public have a range of opportunities to become aware of the Local Plan and they understand the importance of giving us their feedback on the plan.
How to take part in the consultation:
A series of public events are being organised to enable members of the public to meet with Planning Officers to discuss the Vale of White Horse District Council Local Plan and to share their views on the proposed changes. We will be running seven Local Plan events in March and April across the district. The dates and venues will be published in our Vale Local Plan bulletin and on our website –
How to comment:
There are a range of ways you can become involved in our consultation from Thursday 9 March to Thursday 4 May.
These include:
• Providing feedback at our events
• Participating in our online survey, available from our website –
• Completing a paper based survey, available at local libraries and council offices
• Submitting your comments by post or email using our comments form.
All our consultation materials will be available from the consultation start date, Thursday 9 March 2017, until Thursday 4 May. They will be accessible on our website and paper copies of the plan and comment forms will be available at all Vale libraries and our council office.
We will be contacting everyone on our consultation database to invite them to take part in the consultation and to inform them of local events. Please use the contact details below if you would like to join our consultation database.
The consultation period is being extended to eight weeks (instead of six) due to the
Easter Break and we hope this will encourage greater participation in the
For more information on the consultation process please contact Louise Rawlins,
Community Engagement Officer at [email protected] or call
01235 422600.