The government has given some emergency assistance funding to support any of our residents who are struggling financially as a result of the pandemic.
Supermarket Vouchers are available for residents struggling to afford food and essential provisions.
Thanks to some funding from central government we’ve been able to purchase supermarket vouchers to give to those who are struggling financially as a result of COVID-19.
If you come across someone or a family that is struggling to afford food or other essential supplies, please put them in touch with Citizens Advice or Wantage Independent Advice Centre.
• Citizens Advice – 0300 3309042 (South and Vale)
• Wantage Independent Advice Centre – 01235 765348 (Vale)
In addition to providing them with a package of advice and support to help them in the longer term, for those who meet the eligibility criteria they may be able to give them a supermarket voucher to provide immediate relief.
This is just one of a range of help that is on offer for anyone struggling as a result of COVID-19. The community hub at South Oxfordshire and Vale of the White Horse District Councils can also signpost people to a variety of organisations that can help with any ongoing support that might be needed.
There’s also Oxfordshire Food Services Map and Oxfordshire All In websites which have great interactive maps of community support groups, foodbanks, community kitchens and food surplus cafes. These maps will give you their contact details and all the information you need to support someone in need of food.
If you require any further information or have any queries, please contact the Community Connector Team at [email protected]
COVID19 Community Support Programme Team