From: Director Environment and Highways, Oxfordshire County Council, 11 July 2024
Definitive Map and Statement of Public Rights of Way for Oxfordshire
Great Faringdon Footpath No. 10 (part) Modification Order 2024
The above Order made on the 1 July 2024, if confirmed as made, will modify the Definitive Map and Statement for the area by: –
Amending the alignment of the full extent of the path running from OS grid reference SU 3000 9963 at the parish boundary generally north-westwards then northwards for approximately 268 metres to the existing line of Footpath No. 10 at SU 2997 9989, on to a route from OS grid reference SU 2998 9958 at the junction with Littleworth Footpath No. 8 at the parish boundary running north-westwards then north-north-eastwards for approximately 317 metres to the existing line of Footpath No. 10 at SU 2997 9989.
A copy of the Order, the Order map and an explanatory statement may be:-
- Viewed online at
- Obtained free of charge on request from [email protected]
- Seen free of charge during opening hours at: –
- Oxford Westgate Library, 228 The Westgate, Oxford, OX1 1PE Tel: 01865 815509
- Faringdon Library, Gloucester Street, Faringdon, SN7 7HY Tel: 01367 240311
Any representation or objection relating to the order must be sent in writing to Countryside Access – Research and Legal Record, Oxfordshire County Council, County Hall, Oxford OX1 1ND, or [email protected] not later than 23 August 2024 and applicants are requested to state the grounds on which it is made.
If no representations or objections are duly made to the order, or if any so made are withdrawn, the Oxfordshire County Council, instead of submitting the order to the Secretary of State may itself confirm the order. If the order is submitted to the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs any representations or objections which have been duly made and not withdrawn will be sent with it.
GDPR and Data Protection Act: Oxfordshire County Council will collate correspondence and comments received in response to this communication, for further consideration. They may be disseminated widely for these purposes and made available to the public.
Further details below: