Please see below regarding the cold weather level 3 alert.
There is a 90% probability of severe cold weather/icy conditions/heavy snow between 0900 on Monday 06 Mar and 2359 on Thursday 09 Mar in parts of England. This weather could increase the health risks to vulnerable patients and disrupt the delivery of services.
An update will be issued when the alert level changes in any region. Alerts are issued once a day by 0900 if required and are not subject to amendment in between standard issue times. Note that the details of the forecast weather are valid at the time of issue but may change over the period that an alert remains in force. These details will not be updated here unless the alert level also changes, the latest forecast details can be obtained at the following link:
Regional Risk Assessments for occurrence of Cold Weather conditions between 09:00 Local Time on Monday and 23:59 Local Time on Thursday.
Very cold weather is expected across most of England this week, with widespread frosts overnight and temperatures struggling to rise above freezing in some places during the day. A band of rain and hill snow will move southwards during Monday, perhaps bringing some snow to low levels for a time overnight into Tuesday for central, eastern and south-eastern England. To the north of this band frequent snow showers will affect northeast England during Monday and Tuesday, with icy stretches developing. Another spell of rain, sleet and snow is likely for southern parts of England during Wednesday, then central and northern England are at risk of seeing periods of snow on Thursday and Friday.