As Spring has been trying to make its presence known, we are
looking forward to the Coronation, but first have the Local Council
Elections in front of us. We have three tips for you to be election
ready for May 4th – have your photo id with you when you go to
vote, take your polling card with you to vote as it will speed up the
process, and know where you will be voting, as some polling
stations have been altered. As always if you have any questions or
would like to meet with me, please get in touch.
Parish Round-Up
Not all items are covered here, with a selection of the main updates listed below. Please get in
touch for further details on these or other items.
• Signage on the A420: A successful meeting with officers has led to a review of
the signage on the A420 and plans to install new signs in the area.
• Buckland Marsh: 40MPH Zone approved at Delegated Decisions meeting on the
23/3; works are currently on order with a view to implementing them in mid-May.
• Highways Reports: Replacement signage on order; damage to Cheese Wharf made
safe; several reports of potholes have been followed up, but I would call on the parish
to review the issues with me, so we can get an overview of the whole area.
• Sandbags: After a period of heavy rain, I followed up the request for replacement
sandbags for the village; if further issues arise, please let me know, we can arrange
another site visit.
• Potholes on the B4019: I am aware of several reports of potholes on the B4019,
leading up to the village; these are being followed up.
• Councillor Priority Fund: I have had no confirmation come through to me that the
payment has been made, though other payments have been transferred without
notification, so it may be worth checking accounts if unsure.
Eaton Hastings
• Parish Meeting: I am glad to see plans in place for a parish meeting. I am looking
forward to attending; please let me know if there is more I can do to assist in this.
• Potholes: I have had reports that the potholes on the Church Road are now repaired.
• Folly View Primary: After a site visit to the area of concern on Park Road and
discussions with Bloor Homes, the developer has agreed to pay for lit school crossing
signs which should make significant improvements to pedestrian safety.
• 20MPH Zone: This will be heard later this month. I have already written in support
of this scheme and after discussions with bus companies their objections have
been resolved and the application should be approved.
• Sink Hole in Southampton Street: After several years of having a temporary cover,
residents contacted me for assistance; we have arranged a meeting with Thames
Water who is responsible and hope that this will be repaired permanently.
• Graffiti on A420: I have seen that some signage has been replaced, including the
sign at the London Road Junction but have not had a chance to review the area fully.
• Folly Path Bench: Funding has come through and the bench is on order.
• S106 Social Service Contributions: Continuing; nothing further to report.
Great Coxwell
• Proposed Safety Measures: When approved by the parish, proposals will
be costed by officers; they would need to be funded from the ‘Third Party
Support’ budget, and the parish may be expected to bear some of the costs.
Little Coxwell
• 20MPH Zone: Now in place in the village.
• 40MPH Zone: This has now been implemented with signs along the
Fernham Road indicating the reduced speed limit.
• Grundon Liaison Group: Minutes circulated, and another meeting
organised for July; I would encourage continued dialogue between parties.
• Tree Planting: Am following this up – a site visit has been offered.
• A420 Crossing: Following up lighting and dropped kerb designs.
• Footpath to Barcote Cottages: have requested this be cleared.
Activity Report
Meetings are a little less frequent in March and April due to the Pre-election Period; I
have also had to send apologies to some due to illness. In May it will get busier again
as all councils have their AGMs. I will do my best to attend as many parish meetings
as possible over this period.
Looking back on ‘March’s meetings:
• 13th March: FATAC
• 13th March: Faringdon Town Council, Full Council
• 15th March: The Place Steering Board Meeting
• 22nd March: Buscot Parish Council Meeting – Apologies
• 28th March: OCC Full Council Meeting – Apologies
• 30th March: People Overview and Scrutiny Committee – Apologies
Looking forward to April’s meetings:
• 3rd April: Faringdon Town Council, Full Council
• 17th April: Great Coxwell Parish Council
• 17th April: Coleshill Parish Council
• 24th April: Faringdon and Wantage Locality Meeting
• 24th April: Little Coxwell Parish Council
FATAC Report:
We are always adding to the FATAC agenda, if you have issues to raise, please let us know.
Highways News:
• Little Coxwell’s 40MPH Zone on Fernham Road now completed.
• Little Coxwell’s 20MPH Zone for the rest of the village also installed.
• Faringdon’s 20MPH scheme will be considered at the next delegated decisions.
• School Crossing Indicators to be paid for by Bloor Homes.
• 40MPH reduction at Buckland Marsh programmed for mid-May.
• 40MPH reduction at Eaton Hastings being progressed.
• Major potholes on the B4019 reported for repair.
• Gravel Walk in Faringdon is scheduled to be closed for resurfacing in late May.
• A suggestion of an overall speed reduction on the B4019 and A417 is being pursued.
OCC News
OCC saves £5m with new NHS deal: OCC has reached a new deal with the NHS that
will save OCC nearly £5m a year. OCC pools resources with the NHS in order to deliver social
care and mental health services in a coordinated way. However, a review of how costs are
apportioned to each organisation has meant OCC will reduce its liabilities in the agreement.
Suite of cost of living measures agreed for 23/24: A range of measures, totaling
£9.5m, to support residents with the cost of living was agreed by cabinet for 2023/2024.
National government funding does not cover the full range of measures that councils are
encouraged to take, and the council has supplemented the budget for the measures we are
accepting, including council tax support, practical support for those leaving hospital, and
significant funding for children in receipt of free school meals during school holidays.
Freight strategy engagement: The county council has been engaging with parish and
town councils as it develops its freight strategy further. This was not a public consultation, but
rather an opportunity for key stakeholders to input early, local knowledge on areas that would
benefit from area weight restrictions and identify areas challenged by HGVs. The strategy
seeks to keep HGV movements off inappropriate roads and keep them on the strategic road
network (e.g. M40).
County Boundary Review: OCC has submitted its suggestions for new county division
boundaries to the boundary commission. The Commission’s consultation will close in May. The
Commission will then develop its recommendations and consult on draft proposals in August.
News in Brief
Gigahubs: The project to install broadband to community hubs is 50% complete.
Councillor priority fund set to reopen: Applications to the fund will reopen in April.
Future generations: The council is now bound to consider the impact for future
generations on decisions made by it today, promoting accountability.
Contact Me
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 07906 821680
Cllr Bethia Thomas
Liberal Democrat Member for Faringdon Division