FARINGDON PARKING STUDY Gary Kay Smith Ltd has been commissioned by the Vale of White Horse District Council and they are working closely with the Faringdon Town Council to undertake a parking study of Faringdon. They will be holding a two day event to enable you to discuss your parking related issues and complete your questionnaire. These will be on Saturday 4 and Tuesday 7 October 2014, between 9:00 am & 5:00 pm at the Market Stall under the Old Town Hall and between 6:00 pm & 8:00 pm at an Exhibition in the Pump House. Please review the leaflet that details the parking related issues that have been identified, and complete the questionnaire by 31 October 2014. Both are available to download and you can complete the questionnaire on-line. A collection box will be available in the Faringdon Community and Tourist Information Office from Monday 29 September to Friday 31 October 2014, for anyone who wishes to leave their questionnaire. Please follow the links at the following websites: www.faringdon.org www.garykaysmith.co.uk