Category: News
District Councillors Report June 2016
From: District Councillor Roger Cox To: The Chairman and Councillors of Faringdon Town Council 7 July 2016 DISTRICT COUNCILLOR’S REPORT- TOWN COUNCIL MEETING 13 JULY 2016 Local Plan Part 1. As you are aware the council has received a preliminary letter from the inspector indicating that he is likely to find the LP Part 1…
County Councillors Report June 2016
Councillors Report July 2016
Tidier Faringdon – Gateway and Signs
Our tidy team have been busy this week tidying the gateway into Faringdon and cleaning signs. If you see an area that needs some attention from our team please call 01367 240281 or email [email protected]
ATTENTION ALL PARENTS – TUCKERS PARK We have had a very worrying report that pins / small nails have been placed in the play equipment at Tuckers Park, to injure users. We will carry out a daily check but please check the equipment before use. There has also been an attempt to set light to…
Tidier Faringdon – The Hobble
Faringdon Town Councils ‘Tidier Faringdon Team’ was set up as a response to residents concerns about cuts by other authorities. We spend several man hours each week tidying areas that our residents feel need attention. Residents asked us to cut back the Hobble footpath. As you can see below it’s is now looking great. Thank you…
Thames Valley police seek feedback on policing and crime from residents.
The Police and Crime Commissioner Anthony Stansfeld has launched a survey seeking feedback from residents of the Thames Valley on policing and crime. The results of the survey will help inform the next Police and Crime Plan which is due to be published in March 2017. The survey will give the residents of your Parish…
Faringdon Town Council Grant application deadlines
Deadlines First time grants are considered at Finance and Audit Committee Meetings. The deadline for first time applicants is 12 noon on the following dates: 20th July 2016 19th October 2016 4th January 2017 22nd February 2017 Annual and repeat grants will be considered as part of the precept setting process. The deadline for annual and…
Ignite Festival – don’t miss it! 1-3 July
Ignite Festival 2016 is proud to say ALL of our workshops and secret cinemas are 100% FREE. This includes all resources and materials as well as top quality professional artists on our door step. Don’t miss out…. GET BOOKING TODAY!
Oxfordshire County Council announce mobile library closures.
Mobile Library Service Closure of Mobile Library Service in Oxfordshire Regretfully, the mobile library service in Oxfordshire will cease to operate in September 2016. This difficult decision was taken in February following extensive public consultation on proposals to make huge financial savings across all county council services. The last round of visits will begin on…
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