Category: News
2 million Dementia Friends
Today we recieved feedback that a campaign Faringdon Town Council took part in has reach 2 million Dementia Friends! That’s 2 million people across the country who are taking action to help people affected by dementia. Dementia Friends was launched in 2013 to tackle the stigma and lack of understanding which means that many people…
AAA Trip
Our Access All Areas Youth Group had a fantastic time on the Annual Cotswold Wildlife Park trip. We would like to say a huge thank you to Faringdon Rotary Club for their support to make this trip a possibility and of course our wonderful staff and volunteers.
Period for the exercise of public rights accounts year ending 31/3/2017
Period for the exercise of public rights accounts year ending 31/3/2017 commences 16th June 2017. If you would like to view the accounts please contact Sally Thurston Town Clerk Telephone: 01367 240281 email: [email protected] Notice of Public Rights Accounting Statements
Tidy team at Gravel Walk
Have you seen the fabulous job the Town Council tidy team have done on Gravel Walk? The team respond to resident requests so please tell us if you see somewhere that needs their magic touch! [email protected]
Filling our pots at the local market
The Town Council have filled the pots outside the Pump House at the local market for £5 each! We are excited about Faringdon in Bloom – you can enter by clicking on the link below
The Mayor Rocks ‘The Place’
An evening of diverse, fun music to enjoy and dance to. Also a chance to say thank you to Faringdon’s Mayor Dr Mike Wise for his many years of dedicated service to the community. At the same time help us to raise money for The Place, the new family and children’s project.
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