Oxfordshire County Council are consulting on proposals to provide additional ‘Disabled Persons Parking Places’ (and also remove ones no longer required) in various locations within the South & Vale Districts of the County. The proposals are being put forward in response to increased local demand for parking, specifically for those with a permanent and substantial…
Category: News
The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations Vintage Tea Dance Free Tickets
As a part of the Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations a Vintage Tea Dance will be held in the Corn Exchange on the Saturday 28th May 2022 from 2pm to 4pm Faringdon Town Council would like to offer any 90 and over’s a free ticket. If you know someone who would like to come along please fill in…
The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations
Calling all town centre businesses! To make our town centre look great over the Jubilee it would be fabulous if you could do a window display, we can supply a Jubilee Flag and bunting. If you would like to get involved please fill in your details below Flag and Bunting form
Crisp Packet Collection
Please bring along your crisp packets to The Place and for every 2 Kg of packets, The Place will receive £2 donation. For more information contact [email protected]
Community Champions Course 2022
Community Champions Course Starting on Tuesday, 8 March 2022 to 5 April 2022 10:00am to 11:00am via MS Teams Develop your skills and set up a locally run learning hub that can make a lasting difference in your community • Widen participation in learning and support progression relevant to individual circumstances. • Residents can transform…
OxPCF CAMHS Survey 2022
Oxfordshire Parent Carers Forum and Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust want to understand your most recent experiences of CAMHS to help inform, shape and further develop services. To fill in the survey, please click on the link below: Please do share this with any of your networks! Deadline: 1st March 2022 Many thanks for your…
Highway drainage or public sewer flooding
We have been asked to provide District Council with a list of areas that may suffer with flooding as a result of either highway drainage or public sewer flooding (The caveat is that the flooding must be attributed to surface water connections into either of the public sewer systems. These public sewer systems being foul…
Response o planning application Land at Fernham Road Faringdon SN7 7LB
The town council are a consultee on planning applications. We do not make the decisions, but we are invited by the planning authority, Vale of White Horse District Council, to make comments. I write with reference to the following application: P21/V3041/FUL (Full Application) Minor Proposal: Erection of 9no. two storey dwellings (5no.detached and 4no. semidetached),…
Remembrance Sunday 14th November 2021
Due to rising Covid case numbers, and in discussion with the church and the British Legion, it has been decided that the usual full service and parade are not possible. There will be a much smaller parade with standard bearers, escorts and wreath layers The parade will walk from the Corn Exchange straight to the…