Town Council Elections May 2015
Your Town needs you – If you care about Faringdon and would like to be involved in council and community issues then please stand for council and become part of making a difference!
As part of Faringdon Town Council you will be the voice of the Towns people by representing their views. As well as ensuring the Towns wishes are voiced at other levels of government the council provides many local services which include several venues and open spaces as well as the Community and Tourist Information Centre, Cinema, Christmas Lights and Faze Youth Centre. These services are operated by 5 different committees: Venues, Recreation and Open Spaces, Youth Services, Planning and Highways, Finance and Working Parties. The Town Council also acts as a statutory consultee for all planning applications in Faringdon and provides grants to local organisations. Our Town Clerk, Sally Thurston, is happy to meet with prospective candidates and talk through what being a councillor involves. Please contact her on 01367 240281 or [email protected] for an appointment.
Here’s how to stand for council:
- Complete the appropriate nomination forms.
- Get your form signed by signed by a ‘proposer’ and ‘seconder’
- Return your forms to the Vale of the White Horse District Council BY HAND between 30th March and 9th
- If there are more than 14 candidates then elections will take place on the 7th May 2015.
- If there are 14 or less candidates they will be elected unopposed
Useful documents:
8. Faringdon Town Council Services
For further advice please visit: